Dairy Cattle Auction
Wednesday March 5, 2025 at 11:00am
Call with your consignments!
Reputation Consignments
15 Holstein Dairy Cows, parlor/freestall, milking up to 134# AI sired. Dane WI
14 Holstein Dairy Cows, FANCY fresh 2 year olds, a few 3 year olds, parlor/freestall, out of a 29,000 #RHA herd, extensive vaccination program, excellent quality! Owner topped the sale many times! Reputation consignor! 100% guaranteed sound. Baldson Dairy ~ Cashton WI
12 Holstein fresh and springing heifers, milked in flat barn parlor. Camp Farms
10 Holstein Dairy Cows, parlor/freestall, 2x milking, tank average, 26,000# RHA 4.8BF 99scc, vaccination program, exposed to Holstein bull, overstocked dairy, 100% guaranteed sound. Hartleben Farms ~ Wittenburg
10 Fresh Holstein Dairy Cows, parlor/freestall. Current tank avg, 107# 4.55BF 3.3P 79scc. 30+ years AI breeding. Reputation consignor. Extensive vaccination program. This load includes fresh cows and a few bred back cows. Coming from an overstocked dairy! 100% guaranteed sound. Reputation consignor, out of one the top herds in the state of MN! ***Cows will be HPAI/H5N1 Avian Influenza tested*** Shadycrest Holsteins ~ Utica MN
10 Fancy Jersey/Holstein Crossbred young fresh dairy cows, parlor/freestall, RHA of 26,273# 100% guaranteed sound, these cows top our sales every time! Scholze Family Farms ~ Humbird WI
10 Holstein Dairy Cows, parlor/freestall, more info day of sale. Seyller Dairy ~ Fond Du Lac
8 Holstein Dairy Cows, parlor/freestall, fresh and bred back 2-3 year olds, bred cows bred Angus, cows will sell on test, out of a 30,000#RHA Friendshuh Farms ~ Clear Lake WI
Springing Heifers
8 Holstein Springing Heifers, AI sired, vac
8 Springing Heifers, AI sired, due March-May, vaccinations, out of 27,000# load includes some Red & White 7 Hills Dairy
Dairy Breeding Bulls
Registered Red & White Holstein Bull, sired by Analyst Red, DOB 6-16-23, proven, gentle