Dairy Cattle Auction

Wednesday February 19, 2025 at 11:00am

Bid and Buy Online

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Complete Herd Dispersal #1

40 Dairy Cows, herd includes (33)Holsteins (2)Red Holstein (4)Registered Jersey (3)Hol/Jersey Cross. Tie stall milked, freestall/headlock adapted. Cows are not pushed, 60# 4.65BF 3.45P, 150scc. AI bred, sexed, using Red bulls through Select Sires. Vaccination program. All stages of lactation (20) recent fresh (2)springing cows (2)springing heifers. ***Cows will be HPAI/H5N1 Avian Influenza tested*** Stevens Farm ~ IA

Complete Herd Dispersal #2

45 Registered and Grade Dairy Cows and Heifers. Approx. (18)Jersey (12)Holstein (4)Ayrshire (1)Brown Swiss and (10)Heifers of all breeds. Milked in tie stalls, cows will sell on test, averaging 70#, 4.6BF 3.3P 110scc, no TMR, AI breeding, full vaccination program.***Cows will be HPAI/H5N1 Avian Influenza tested*** J-N-J Genetics Pictures below.

Reputation Consignments

25 Jersey and Jersey Cross Dairy Cows. Fresh parlor/freestall cows! The EXTREMELY FANCY kind. All fresh 2&3 year olds. Many cows milking over 100# Tank averages 82# 5.34BF 3.82P scc130. All TOP cheese merit Jersey and Holstein bulls through Select Sires. Many A2A2 sires. Extensive vaccination program. Owner previously sold many top cows at Premier to very satisfied buyers! Well managed, overstocked dairy. Reputation consignor! ***Cows will be HPAI/H5N1 Avian Influenza tested *** Kemper Dairy ~ Mauston WI

Reputation Consignors

8 Holstein Dairy Cows, parlor/freestall, just fresh 2 year olds averaging 90#! Full vaccination program, out of a 30,000#RHA, excellent quality! Van Doorn

5 Holstein Dairy Cows, recent fresh, tie stall milked, outside everyday, good quality!

3 Registered Holstein Dairy Cows, parlor/freestall, cows will sell on official test, full vaccination program, AI sired, monthly hoof trimming, cows are classified. Joleen Holsteins ~ Junction City WI pictures below

Springing Heifers


Dairy Bulls

Jersey Bull, PP, 2 years old, proven, docile

GREAT DEMAND for your dairy cows, heifers, and breeding bulls!

Call with your consignments.

Always a great selection of dairy cattle at Premier Livestock and Auctions!

Due to the H5N1 virus found in several states. ALL out of state lactating dairy cows (replacements and slaughter) are required to have a health certificate and negative test done within 7 days of movement. Also highly recommended, Wisconsin dairy cattle selling at our auction to be tested for HPAI/H5N1 Avian Influenza so they can be purchased by out of state buyers. Any questions please call Rocky, 715-721-0079.


PLEASE have dairy cattle in by 9:30 for vet check and to be included in the dairy catalog.

Special Monthly Dairy Heifer Auction

Tuesday February 25, 2025 at 11:00am

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90 Holstein Heifers, calves through breeding age, AI bred and AI sired over 65 years, using Genex. Extensive vaccination program, owner sold herd at Premier. Maple Breeze Dairy- Complete Heifer Dispersal

50 Holstein Heifers, calves through short bred, AI over 50 years, out of a 28,000#RHA on 2x milking, tremendous quality! Premier sold their herd private treaty. Jenquine Farms – Complete Heifer Dispersal

30 High Quality Registered Holstein Dairy Heifers! 400# through heifers bred, 3-4 months. High genomic heifers! Out of an over 30,000# RHA, 4.7BF! New Day Holsteins Robert Strack Heifer Information 2-25-25

20 Holstein Heifers, 700-800# vac x3, AI sired, reputation consignor

GREAT DEMAND for your dairy heifers!

Call with your consignments.

Always a great selection of dairy heifers at Premier Livestock and Auctions!


PLEASE have dairy cattle in by 9:30 for vet check!

Dairy Cattle Auction

Wednesday February 26, 2025 at 11:00am

Bid and Buy Online

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Complete Herd Dispersal

70 Holstein & Jersey ROBOT dairy cows and heifers. Robot milked, Holsteins avg. 87# Jersey avg. 72# Housed in freestalls. Herd includes approx. (48)Holstein dairy cows and springing heifers (20)Jersey cows and springing heifers. Young herd with (27)1st lactation (18)springing heifers and (2)springing dry cows. Many years of AI breeding through Genex, good vaccination program. CMM Dairy – Matt McNamara ~ Iowa


Reputation Consignments

20 Holstein Dairy Cows, parlor/freestall, milking 70-150# 4.5BF 3.7P low scc, majority fresh with balance bred back and milking well. AI sired currently, bred to Angus or Holstein bulls. Overstocked quality dairy herd. Guaranteed sound. Millwright Dairy


Springing Heifers

10 Holstein Springing Heifers, freestall/headlock adapted, bred Holstein, full vaccination program. MN

Dairy Bulls

GREAT DEMAND for your dairy cows, heifers, and breeding bulls!

Call with your consignments.

Always a great selection of dairy cattle at Premier Livestock and Auctions!

Due to the H5N1 virus found in several states. ALL out of state lactating dairy cows (replacements and slaughter) are required to have a health certificate and negative test done within 7 days of movement. Also highly recommended, Wisconsin dairy cattle selling at our auction to be tested for HPAI/H5N1 Avian Influenza so they can be purchased by out of state buyers. Any questions please call Rocky, 715-721-0079.


PLEASE have dairy cattle in by 9:30 for vet check and to be included in the dairy catalog.


Dairy Cattle Auction

Wednesday March 19, 2025 at 11:00am

Bid and Buy Online

Call with your consignments!

GREAT DEMAND for your dairy cows, heifers, and breeding bulls!

Call with your consignments.

Always a great selection of dairy cattle at Premier Livestock and Auctions!

Due to the H5N1 virus found in several states. ALL out of state lactating dairy cows (replacements and slaughter) are required to have a health certificate and negative test done within 7 days of movement. Also highly recommended, Wisconsin dairy cattle selling at our auction to be tested for HPAI/H5N1 Avian Influenza so they can be purchased by out of state buyers. Any questions please call Rocky, 715-721-0079.


PLEASE have dairy cattle in by 9:30 for vet check and to be included in the dairy catalog.


Special Monthly Dairy Heifer Auction

Tuesday March 25, 2025 at 11:00am

Bid and Buy Online

Call with your consignments!

Featured Consignment

80 High Quality BROWN SWISS Dairy Heifers! Newborn through yearlings! TOP END! 40 years of AI, with TOP sires through Select Sires, ST Genetics, New Generation Genetics. Extremely high quality heifers, with lots of show prospects in this FANCY group. Extensive vaccination program. Siegert Swiss ~ Iowa


Dairy Heifers

2 High Quality Registered BROWN SWISS dairy heifers, halter broke, docile, vaccinations. Click for more information. Swiss Heifers 3-19-25

GREAT DEMAND for your dairy heifers!

Call with your consignments.

Always a great selection of dairy heifers at Premier Livestock and Auctions!


PLEASE have dairy cattle in by 9:30 for vet check.